2025-04-21 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices April 21 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices GRADE CHECKING CLASS
2025-04-22 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices April 22 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices GRADE CHECKING CLASS & HANDS ON
2025-04-23 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices April 23 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices GRADE CHECKING BULL DOZER
2025-04-24 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices April 24 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices HANDS ON WITH CARD FOR DOZER
2025-04-25 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices April 25 3rd & 4th Year Apprentices WEEKLY REVIEW & TEST CARDS
2025-04-28 2nd Year Apprentices 2nd Year Apprentices April 28 2nd Year Apprentices HANDS ON SERVICING OF FORKLIFT & SKID STEER
2025-04-29 2nd Year Apprentices 2nd Year Apprentices April 29 2nd Year Apprentices SERVICING CRANES ON PADS
2025-04-30 2nd Year Apprentices 2nd Year Apprentices April 30 2nd Year Apprentices GRADE CHECKING CLASS
2025-05-01 2nd Year Apprentices 2nd Year Apprentices May 1 2nd Year Apprentices DOXER & GRADING W/ EXCAVATOR